Identification of Suitable Sowing Time for Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) at Samtenling

Sonam Dorji, Sangay Wangdi, Sonam Tshomo & Ngawang


Trials on different sowing dates were conducted at the Agriculture Research and Development Centre, Samtenling to determine suitable planting time for quinoa. Four quinoa varieties: Ivory 123, DoA-1-PMB 2015, Amarilla Sacaca and Amarilla Marangani were sown at six different planting dates starting from 17 September to 6 December 2018. The exact sowing dates were 17 September, 2 October, 17 October, 6 November, 16 November and 6 December. Each sowing date was staggered at an interval of 15 days. The effects of sowing time on grain yield and other agronomic traits were analyzed. No data were obtained from first sowing and sixth sowing (17 September and 6 December 2018) due to poor seed germination. The results indicated that mid October to mid-November is the most suitable sowing time for quinoa in Samtenling which represents the humid-subtropical agro-ecological zone. Comparative analyses between the four varieties indicate that Ivory 123 and DoA-1-PMB could be preferably sown in mid-October. Mid-November is a preferred sowing time for Amarilla Sacaca and Amarilla Marangani since significantly greater yields (2.49 t/ha and 2.56 t/ha respectively) were obtained as compared to seeds sown in October. Although there were no significant differences in grain yields both Ivory 123 and DoA-1-PMB 2015 took significantly shorter durations (82.8 days and 84.6 days respectively) to mature and produced significantly shorter plant heights (75.5cm and 93.6 cm respectively) when seeds were sown in mid-October. Amarilla Sacaca and Amarilla Marangani took longer durations to mature (110.6-132 days) and produced significantly longer plant heights (135.6cm and 145.2 cm respectively) when seeds were sown in mid-November as compared to seeds sown in October. Based on the result of a one-year trial, it can be concluded that all the four released quinoa varieties can be sown from mid-October to mid-November in Samtenling which represents the humid agro-ecological zone.

Keywords: Sowing time, Humid-subtropical agro-ecological zone, Quinoa varieties, Maturity, Yield

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