Physico-Chemical Assessment of Water in Diverse Lentic Habitats of Bhutan

AUTHOR: Shivaraj Bhattarai


Water samples collected from diverse habitats in Bhutan, mainly from the eastern Dzongkhags, were analysed for basic water qualities during the period from February 2000 to January 2002. Most of the sampled water bodies depicted their sub-tropical nature with their waters ranging from typically acidic to circum-neutral to slightly alkaline and with poor to moderate mineral contents. They are mostly well oxygenated and moderately hard to soft confirmed by methyl orange alkalinity, total hardness as well as by low calcium, magnesium and chloride contents, thereby also suggesting a need to supplement the water bodies with essential mineral nutrients in case of any future plans to harness them for biological productivity. Comparisons in water quality are also made with available reports from the Himalayan Region.


Bhutan, Himalayas, Freshwater, Water bodies, Water quality


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