Entries by bit_admin

Fodder quality of in Bhutanese Environments

AUTHOR: Kelzang Wangchuk , Karma Dorji ,Ugyen Lhendup and Tsering Gyeltsen ABSTRACT Ficus auriculat, a species of fig tree is widely used to augment winter fodder shortage in subtropical environments. Very limited studies were carried out to establish its nutritional qualities in Bhutanese environments. A study was conducted in 2004 with the objectives to quantify […]

Current Status of the Odonata of Bhutan: A Checklist with Four New Records

AUTHOR: Amit Mitra ABSTRACT Specimens of dragonflies were collected from Trashiyangtse and Pemagatshel districts of eastern Bhutan during the months of July and September 2003. One specimen of Neurothemis fulvia was collected on 5thSeptember2004 SamdrupJongkhar district. Altogether 61 specimens of Odonata belonging to 16 species and subspecies under 13 genera and four families were listed […]

Physico-Chemical Assessment of Water in Diverse Lentic Habitats of Bhutan

AUTHOR: Shivaraj Bhattarai ABSTRACT Water samples collected from diverse habitats in Bhutan, mainly from the eastern Dzongkhags, were analysed for basic water qualities during the period from February 2000 to January 2002. Most of the sampled water bodies depicted their sub-tropical nature with their waters ranging from typically acidic to circum-neutral to slightly alkaline and […]

Existing Resources, Practices and Potentials of the Arecanut within the East-Central Region (Sarpang Dzongkhag)

AUTHOR: Ms. Pema Yuden, Mr. Sangay Dorji ABSTRACT Arecanut (Areca catechu L) commonly known as betelnut is a tropical palm cultivated for its nuts. It is cultivated in the lower humid sub-tropical areas (below 600m) of Bhutan. A survey conducted in Sarpang Dzongkhag found that the crop was introduced by the farmers themselves about 70 years […]

Rainfed Lowland Rice Cultivation in Bhutan: A Survey Report

AUTHOR: Karma, Mahesh Ghimiray ABSTRACT This study reports on the rice cultivation practices under rainfed environment in Bhutan based on a rapid farm survey conducted in 2003. Although rainfed lowland rice system accounts for major portion of rice growing area, it contributes least in terms of production due to uncertainty of irrigation water, soil fertility […]

Minor Cereals and Food Security in the Marginal Areas of Bhutan

AUTHOR: Wangda Dukpa ABSTRACT A random household survey was conducted in 2002-2003 in seven districts with a sample size of 10%, covering 250 households, to document the farming practices of minor cereals (buckwheat, barley and finger millet), their roles in household food security and to assess future potential. The study revealed that barley and buckwheat […]

Incidence and Distribution of the Apple Fruit Borer Argyresthia Conjugella Zeller (Yponomeutidae: Lepidoptera) and Its Chemical Control in Western Bhutan.

AUTHOR: Chencho Dorji, Phuntsho Loday ABSTRACT The apple fruit borer Argyresthia conjugella Zeller (Yponomeutidae:Lepidoptera) is found to be a serious pest of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) in the high altitude apple growing areas in Bhutan. More than 80% of fruits can be infested in a particular season. Adult moths were caught by first week of […]

Assessment of Calf Mortality in Trongsa and Bumthang

AUTHOR: R.B Gurung ABSTRACT Study on calf mortality was conducted in two districts of Bumthang and Trongsa covering nine blocks and 191 households. Data was collected using semistructured questionnaire. Results revealed that the average calf mortality rates were 28.5% and 38.5% in Bumthang and Trongsa, respectively with mean of 33.5%±14.2. Maximum calf mortality was recorded […]

In Search of Species Suitable For Temperate Pasture Mixtures in Bhutan

AUTHOR: Wangchuk K, Roder W, Gyeltshen ABSTRACT Farmers in temperate areas were recommended to use mixtures containing white clover, Italian ryegrass, tall fescue and cocksfoot. Strong dominance of white clover in fields seeded with these mixtures induced the search for alternative species or establishment methods. Two experiments were conducted across a range of temperate environments […]

Physical Characterization of Bhutanese Yak

AUTHOR: Tashi Dorji and Gyem Tshering ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to compare biometrical measurements, describe coat colour and horning pattern of yak population from three regions of Bhutan (west, central and east). The measurements including heart girth, body length, wither height and estimated body weights are larger for yak from western Bhutan. The […]

Migratory Cattle Grazing: An Ecosystem Approach To Livelihood

AUTHOR: M.R. Moktan, L. Norbu, H. Nirola , D.B.Chhetri, T.B.Rai, Rinchen ABSTRACT This paper consolidates impact of traditional migratory system of cattle management on their household economy, and describes the interaction between sustainable livestock, forest and pasture resources development. Livestock remain as main livelihood source contributing 71% and 84% of the gross household incomes of herders […]

Forest Pattern Analysis Along the Topographical and Climatic Gradient of the Dry West and Humid East Slopes of Dochula, Western Bhutan

Author: Wangda P, Ohsawa M ABSTRACT The contrasting vegetation and climatic conditions on east and west sides of Dochula pass is a unique characteristic of the dry valley ecosystem. Temperature declines faster on the west slope than on the east slope. Moisture condition is the determining factor for the contrasting vegetation. Floristically 66 tree species […]